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What's in a name?


Have you ever thought about how businesses come up with their names. No matter the service, size or location, eventually a name will be finalized.

So how did I come up with the name J.A.D.E.? Many have asked, does it stand for JaDrien and Aaliyah? Well, yes and no.

I thought about using all of our names as an acronym, but I changed my mind over and over. I thought about using the name from my mentoring group, but that didn’t fit either. I wanted a name that spoke to me and fit who I was as a person on this journey to become a business owner in a profession that I’m so passionate about.

For over a month, I kept going back and forth on names, but nothing ever stuck. Since I could not come up with anything, I decided to move on to the branding materials and color schemes. No matter how hard I tried, I kept coming back to the name.

Once I decided on the dominant color as red, I began to look for something associated with red while incorporating the “J” and “A”. I looked for a red graphic, but nothing caught my eye. After a month or two, I was on the internet and something said what about a stone. Hmm….how can I use a stone to market diversity, inclusion and equity?

Finally, it came to me. Find a stone, that is red and incorporates the “J” and “A”. Automatically, JADE came up, but I knew the most popular color was green. I looked at business names, and JADE was already taken. Well, back to the drawing board.

As weeks passed, the JADE stone kept coming in my head. My husband told me the name will come to you when you least expect it. One Saturday, I was reading articles on my phone, and all of a sudden it came to me. I looked for a red JADE stone. There it was. A red JADE stone with the meaning that tells the story of my journey before this day.

A red JADE stone brings forward the energy of a warrior. It is individual power and will that dispels the fear, worry and doubt that holds one back. It urges one to take action. It is a valuable stone because of the insights, wisdom, knowledge and creativity that the stone brings.

A red JADE stone brings forward the energy of a warrior. It is individual power and will that dispels the fear, worry and doubt that holds one back. Tweet this now.

Once I read the meaning, I texted the Sutton family and said, “I have a name...JADE Consulting, LLC but the JADE will be an acronym”.

Well, I accomplished “What’s in a Name?”. Next on the list, “What’s in the acronym?”. Check back with J.A.D.E. to learn more about the acronym.


Have questions about diversity and inclusion in your organization?

Click here to contact Lori and the J.A.D.E. Consulting team to learn more about how diversity and inclusion can help your organization.

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